I am a Psychodynamics Analyst in London. I was educated at the University of London where my doctoral research was on psychodynamics. I trained professionally in psychodynamics and I worked for many years as Consultant Psychodynamics Analyst in a mental health clinic and, also, as training Analyst and director of studies for a psychodynamic psychotherapy association in London.
About Antony Maurice–Nneke
What is Psychodynamics Therapy?
Here, I use psychodynamics as a noun, not an adjective. It is the name of a specialist method of treatment rather than a description of it. This is a method of treatment which sets about to remove the cause of the presenting problem. It makes bare the unconscious processes that give rise to illnesses. It contrasts with the method of treatment which deals only with symptoms of an illness as its point of attack. Psychodynamics therapy deals inclusively with the causal processes of the illness in order to reveal the conflicts in the patient’s life which were rendered unconscious by repression.
The therapy deals chiefly with psychoneurosis, neurosis for short. It is useful for the treatment of all anxiety states, neurotic depression, confused states, obsessions and compulsions, phobic states, and other states where consciousness is intact. The patient is always aware of the disorder and its effect on him or her. Thus, he or she is able to seek therapy. It is useful for the treatment of alcohol problems, smoking problems, and weight problems due to overeating. These problems have underlying anxiety to their development. The key points can be highlighted summarily as follows.
- It is a causal therapy which explores the cause of the manifesting problem.
- It deals with underlying anxiety problems.
- It deals with conflicts which lead to repression and unconsciousness.
- It attempts to break the walls of repression which keeps memories in the unconscious.
- Breaking the walls of repression helps to reveal the cause of the problem.
- Knowing the cause of the problem helps to eradicate the problem.

The Origins, Controversies, Disputes, Principles and Practice of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
The psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud have stood since his first joint publication with Josef Breuer in 1893 and those views have not been seriously shaken by any subsequent development. This book is a novel presentation of the kernel of psychodynamics. It gives a critical explication and exposition to the origins of psychodynamic psychotherapy, the principles and practice of psychodynamics, the controversies, and the intellectual disputes within the psychoanalytic movement and, at the same time, it presents a clear picture of therapeutic practice.
The book is intended for the general reader who is seeking to gain more scholarly knowledge about depth psychology. It is especially useful as an essential reading for students on degree and diploma courses in psychotherapy. Nurses, psychologists, psychotherapists and philosophers with interests in psychodynamics will find the book very useful. Some of the topics discussed in the book are as follows.
- What is psychodynamics?
- The dynamics of dreams
- The dynamics of the unconscious
- Hypnosis and the theory of catharsis
- Psychoneurosis and psychosis
- The logic of the therapeutic alliance
- Criticism of Freud and psychoanalysis
- The beginning and end of therapy
- Controversies within the psychoanalytic movement
- The dynamics of defence

Vital Psychodynamics Programmes to Lose Weight
The book presents a novel approach to weight loss and weight control which is simple, fun to practise, and highly successful. The theories and programmes highlighted in the book demonstrate a unique mind technique which enables the individual to lose weight steadily, easily, effectively and effortlessly.
The great advantage of the book is that it does not involve the individual in following any rigid fad diet. It is not a dietary or nutritional book. It is a MIND BOOK. It outlines some of the essential secret weapons which an individual needs in order to lose weight, feel good and look great in every way.
The book is a useful application of some of the ideas and fundamental principles of the power of the mind technique that I introduced in my book Mind Castles (2002) and applied in Stop Smoking Now! (2023).
How does it Work?
- The enormous and awesomely prodigious power of the human mind can be harnessed to achieve success in any goal.
- By constantly repetitious use of positive affirmations and creative visualisations, the individual can alter his or her mindset by using the technique of deep relaxation to programme the unconscious mind with effective mental prompts and use these to transform his or her life.
- The practical exercises can be applied to the goal of losing weight to enable the individual to achieve the goal easily, steadily, effectively, and effortlessly.

Vital Psychodynamics Programmes to Stop Smoking
The book enables the individual to regain the energy, strength, stamina, health and fitness which was lost through constant smoking. The book offers essential secret weapons to regain the energy, strength and stamina with fresh breath and healthy lungs.
The book also teaches the following skills which are necessary for wellness and happy living.
- How to develop a positive mental attitude.
- How to relax and take control of the existing situation.
- How to deal with stress and anxiety.
- How to acquire confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
- How to formulate goals.
- How to draw out a plan of action to achieve a specific goal.
- How to use creative visualisation to achieve success in any venture.
- How to use effective thoughts bricks to erect an impregnable mind castle.

An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Sexual Health
The book is concerned with the psychodynamics of sexual health. It is particularly useful to students and professionals in the health field such as nursing, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and psychotherapy. Students and professionals in social science, gender studies, psychology, and philosophers with interests in psychodynamics will find the book useful.
The book is an educational book which will appeal to the general reader who has an enquiring mind and an interest to know more about the psychodynamics of sexual matters. It is a book for everyone because the subject of sex is of interest to various professions and academic disciplines. Some of the topics discussed in the book are as follows.
- Sexual abuse in religious denominations, the football industry, and the Hollywood industry.
- Psychodynamics of sexual paraphilia
- Sex, gender, and sexuality.
- Criticism of Freud by feminist scholars.
- Transgender and transsexuality.
- Problems affecting sexual health.
- Sex addiction.
- Criticism of Freud’s account of Oedipus complex
- The controversy of seduction fantasy

The Power to Achieve Success
Mind Castles is about Mind Power and how to unleash the hidden potential of the mind to achieve success. The book provides a general guide in Self Help and Self Improvement and enables the reader to make an impact through the necessary actions which must be performed in order to achieve a desired success. It describes the awesome power of the unconscious mind, shows how the mind works and how to unleash the enormous power within and use it achieve extraordinary success in life. With Mind Castles you will find that miraculous changes take place in your life when you follow the guidelines in this book seriously and you will also discover that the magic of success is truly within you.
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